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Q:Has all the staff been vaccinated?

A: Yes we have documentations on file

Q: How are we disinfecting the office?

A: We use Volve disinfecting wipes what they use in doctors' offices and hospital and it kills the germs 1-3 minutes disinfecting the door knobs, chairs, pencils etc

Q: Will you take the temperature of the kids?

A: Yes we will take their temperature and we will also keep a record of it

Q: How will you social distance?

A: Your kid and tutor will be the only one in the room and he/she will sit across the desk from each other

Q: How will my child sanitize their hands?

A: They MUST wash their hand before and after their session or use hand sanitizer 

Q: Masks, Will my child have to wear a mask and if they don't have one will one be provided?

A: Yes masks NEED to be worn and if they do not have one, one will be provided for them


If you have any others questions please feel free to contact the office


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